While robbing a bank Benny took Brian the teller hostage. Discuss the 14 guidelines that should be used during hostage negotiations on page 243.Stabilize and contain the situation.Select the right time to make contact.Take your time when negotiating,Allow the subject to speak, it is more important to be a good listener than a good talker.Dont offer the subject anything.Be as honest as possible; avoid tricks.Never dismiss any request as trivial.Never say No.Soften all demands.Develop a plan that utilizes each guideline for the victims safe return.
Criminal law

Criminal law
Imagine that a United States senator has been receiving threatening messages via the Internet.
Write a 275 word summary of the roles local, state, and federal governments may play in the investigation of the harassment, and the prevention of future harassment.
Criminal law

Criminal law
Imagine that a United States senator has been receiving threatening messages via the Internet.
Write a 275 word summary of the roles local, state, and federal governments may play in the investigation of the harassment, and the prevention of future harassment.